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Christian Intelligence Alert
©1997 Stewart C. Best
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The UFO enigma is not new, for reports about UFO activity abound in all ancient literature and religious material. These reports include both flying objects and actual "encounters" and meetings with so called "alien Gods" who came down to earth from the stars. In fact, most ancient literature claims that these "gods" came down and married earth women and produced a race of "giants' who later rose up to cause a great deal of trouble for mankind. They were destroyed by a massive flood. Argument over the extent of this flood abounds, but the Bible claims it was WORLDWIDE. Genesis Chapter Six deals with this subject, as does the Book of Enoch. Are these just legends and myth, or do they contain the actual reality of past events?

The so called "Gods", whom the Bible and the Book of Enoch claim were in fact FALLEN ANGELS, promised they would return. Jesus Christ said they would return and deceive the human race except for the "few" or the "elect". These so called "aliens" would come again posing as "The Elohiem", and lead mankind down the primrose path of destruction. They would appear in the LATTER DAYS, the days in which Zionist Israel would begin her formation right and continue right to the end. How strange it was then that in 1917 we had Fatima and the beginning of the rise of modern Israel (Allenby took Israel on December 9, 1917), and major UFO activity began to rise. Researchers ought to be looking at TIME LINES, if they want to understand the nature and origins of the UFO.

Then we have OPERATION PAPERCLIP in which America imported Hitler's alternative energy research, which was taken to Los Alamos and Area 51 for further development. That was 50 years ago., in 1945. It was in 1947 that the Roswell incident took place, in the same area that PAPERCLIP R&D was taking place. Ex CIA agents have said that Hitler had at least two operational UFO's which were capable of space travel and high speed operation. Much of the engineering for these UFO's came via occult automatic writing.

In 1966 Dial Press published what it called a government think tank report, called THE REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN, which was promptly branded a complete hoax by Washington and the Eastern Establishment. Leonard Lewin and the publisher of the book maintained it was authentic, as did some other well known personalities at the time. Several years later, Lewin announced that he had written it as a political satire, and that it was a total hoax. However, the agenda within Iron Mountain was picked up by the CFR and articles supporting its conclusions began to appear in FOREIGN AFFAIRS MAGAZINE, the house organ of the CFR. Hoax or not, the recommendations made in IRON MOUNTAIN have been and are being carried out on a national and international level even as you read this. THE IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT "HOAXES" TO COME TRUE. READ IT AND HEED WHAT IT SAYS.

Embedded deep within the IRON MOUNTAIN AGENDA was the use of UFO's to unite the people of the world under the UNITED NATIONS because of an "EXTERNAL" ALIEN THREAT. President Ronald Reagan brought up the IRON MOUNTAIN AGENDA in a UNITED NATIONS speech which broached the subject of an "external alien threat" and how it would unite the world into one and that we would forget our petty differences.

To accomplish this "treat", the aliens had to be the "bad" cops, and pose a major external threat to the human race. Hence, the UFO activity around military bases, the "defenses" of the nations would be a prime target for UFO intrusions. Then we heighten the tension and the "fear factor" by cattle mutilations and abductions. We further hide everything by removal of all evidence, and leave the world wondering "what is going on?" By these methods it slowly dawns upon the minds of the "people" that we are not alone, and that the aliens may in fact be a major threat that must be dwelt with by UNITING THE WORLD. We continue to escalate the activity and then slowly introduce the concept of the "good cops", of good aliens, who have come to help us. Then we would be rescued by the "good cops".

By the method of "bad cop" and "good cop" we lead the human race into a trap. The good cops were also fallen angels, posing as the "good guys". LUCIFER ARRIVES TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD. Lucifer poses as CHRIST and his ELOHIEM, the "good guys". He appears as an ANGEL OF LIGHT. Light is always GOOD and RIGHT, and LOVE and PEACE. In order to arrive at this part of the game, you must first go into the "darkness" of "evil". The entire world falls for the greatest deception in the history of the universe!!
Then along comes ALTERNATIVE THREE, which suggested that the world was going to be destroyed, and that if the elite wanted to save themselves and a few hand-picked members of the human race, they must establish self supporting colonies on the moon and Mars, and then come back to earth to repopulate after the EARTH CHANGES are completed and the world has settled down. Hence we have what were called BATCH ASSIGNMENTS, in which large groups of people were simply ABDUCTED, taken to special camps, had their personalities and will DESTROYED, and were made into robotics slaves to carry out the work of colony establishment. That there are reports of large groups of people that have simply vanished during the TIMELINE of Alternative Three should be of no concern, should it?

Of course Alternative Three was declared a hoax, as were the Protocols. How strange that Jesus Christ said Satan was a LIAR from the BEGINNING, and the TRUTH WAS NOT IN HIM. He was a master at DECEPTION, and DISINFORMATION who mocks the human race and the dupes he controls. Now ALTERNATIVE THREE was also declared to be a hoax, but ALTERNATIVE TWO, the digging of huge underground cities and a tunnel complex has been accomplished. Numerous reports of huge underground cities and underground highways have been given by eyewitnesses. Yet it is all declared a hoax!! Have the space colonies been established? If so, that requires advanced technology and space vehicles capable of high speed travel to be used as shuttle and transportation craft. Was Nazi technology used to establish ALTERNATIVE THREE? Are the numerous UFO sightings of "mother ships" actually ALTERNATIVE THREE VEHICLES? The Bible implies that ALTERNATIVE THREE IS AN ACTUAL REALITY, and points directly to America-Babylon as the chief instigator. It is lso interesting that many of the moon mission photos that were given to the public as authentic have problems with "lighting" and the shadows don't fall correctly. The movie CAPRICORN ONE was about this very thing. Could it be that the general public was shown fake pictures because of activity on the moon would have been revealed? Or is "Alternative Three" more disinformation?

Dr. Peter Bater, a top intelligence operative in the CIA and NSA claimed we had colonies on the moon and Mars, and he said that YEARS AGO. He also claimed that the RICH MEN OF THE EARTH WERE BEHIND IT, especially ROCKEFELLER and ROTHCHILDS. He claimed that we had a WAR out there as well, called the WAR OF THE HARVEST MOON!! Bater is dead now, so no one knows. The ENIGMA continues!!!
Then we have Richard Hoagland's findings and research on Cydonia and the face on Mars. The early writings of mankind claim the so called "Sons of God" took many people to the moon and beyond. Others claim that perhaps mankind "originated" elsewhere and was "seeded" here by the Eloheim, who have come back to manipulate of DNA/GENETIC CODING from time to time, and have "manufactured" our religions to steer mankind to its intended "destination". In other words, MANIPULATION OF THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE by HIGHER POWERS for a purpose not yet revealed. The promise of these "Gods" is one of a NEW GOLDEN AGE, the FINAL LEAP OF MANKIND INTO THE "INTERGALACTIC COMMUNITY" via INITIATION into what is called CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, which the Bible says it DEMONIC POSSESSION. It will come with a massive UNFOLDING OF ALL ANCIENT "MYSTERIES" AND ADVANCED MATHEMATICS. The proofs will be astounding.
The Scriptures claim that SATAN appears as an ANGEL OF LIGHT, as a being of LOVE, PEACE and WISDOM. But He comes to DESTROY, and to DESTROY VIA DECEPTION. Part of that deception is the SYNTHESIS of the UFO ENIGMA and the ancient monuments found all over the world (and on Mars). Along with all of this will come "amazing discoveries" of ancient records that will prove mankind's ORIGINS and DESTINATION, and these will prove that CHRIST was NOT a REDEEMER of a fallen human race, but rather, an AVATAR and an ASCENDED MASTER, along with many other such BEINGS OF LIGHT AND LOVE AND WISDOM. Thus does mankind worm its way out of THE FALL, THE CURSE, THE CROSS, AND THE NEED TO REPENT. There is one common denominator in all of this that should give people pause: THE COMMON MESSAGE THAT JESUS CHRIST WAS NOT AT ALL WHO HE CLAIMED. "Yea, hath God said?"

Deeply embedded into the UFO enigma is the denial of REDEMPTION BY THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, the DENIAL OF A CREATION DIRECT FROM THE HANDS OF THE SUPREME GOD, AND OF THE FALL. They may use the words of the Bible, even quote at length from it, but when one examines their statements and definitions of the their words, they are ANTICHRISTS by Biblical definition.

The next ingredient is called the EVOLUTIONARY CONSPIRACY, in which the so called "aliens" will prove to the world that the concept of evolution is THE TRUTH, and actual open contact with the "aliens" will prove it. The finding of the rock from Mars that had life, the discovery of ice on the moon, the discovery of other planets orbiting other stars are working together to forge a total and a complete "proof-text" that science was right, and religion was wrong. ENTER PROJECT BLUEBEAM, a top secret project that intends to use huge holographic projectors to simulate the arrival of the "Messiah" in the heavens. And then we have PROJECT LOOKING GLASS, in which the "aliens", via time travel, took influential government people backwards through time to observe the crucifixion of Christ and bragged about how they had "manufactured" Christianity. All designed to destroy all concepts of REDEMPTION OF THE HUMAN RACE via a REDEEMER/MESSIAH. "Yea, hath God said?" Yet no one is paying attention.

Why all of this CONCENTRATED EFFORT among the "aliens", the "automatic" writers, the occult, most religions, almost all governments and society at large to DESTROY the concept of REDEMPTION via the SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST? Why have they isolated this one concept out to deny? Why are we seeing the fulfilling of the prophecy of Psalm Two? Do they protest to much? Could it be the ONE TRUTH that the powers that be cannot stand to have anyone consider? And what if REDEMPTION IS THE ACTUAL, LITERAL TRUTH? What if the Bible is telling the TRUTH? Then what? We will tell you what - the human race is in SERIOUS TROUBLE. Could it be that SATAN IS REAL? Could it be that the FALL IS REAL? Could it be that mankind does in fact have a HOSTILE ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE ONE TRUE GOD? Every human soul has to decide. Their decision determines where they spend ETERNITY according to Scripture. Was the message and the mission of Jesus Christ the actual reality behind it all? He claimed it was. And He minced no words about it either He said you either had to embrace it or reject it. He strongly advised you to ACCEPT IT, even if you did not fully understand it. But never did He advocate VIOLENCE or OPPRESSION to force people to believe it. He wanted the people to LOOK INTO IT for their soul's good. TRUE LOVE is good for the soul. But TRUE LOVE can appear to be very TOUGH. It confronts deception. It attempts to rescue people from trouble. It is almost always not appreciated.

However, if mankind has EVOLVED, there was no fall, and mankind is progressing up the evolutionary ladder awaiting the next quantum leap into "godhood" consciousness. Because some people "evolve" faster than others, we have a built in CLASS SYSTEM in which the ELITE rule, and the rest of humanity, which simply cannot "keep up", must be dealt with. They are classified as "defective seeds" and must be eliminated from planet earth in a period called the "cleansing". Hence the concept of evolution is used to further the violence and oppression of the human race. After all, the 'ELITE" are more "evolved", and by that slight of hand they elevate themselves to positions of leadership and power. IT IS ANOTHER RACE SUPREMECY OPERATION BY ANOTHER NAME. It is a political agenda that uses religion as "opium" to justify itself.

Thus the concepts outlined by Jesus Christ are totally destroyed, just as the Scripture said they would be in the LAST DAYS. The Bible calls it a STRONG DELUSION, a delusion so powerful, and with so many hard "evidences" that no person can stand against it, unless protected by Jesus Christ Himself. The Bible claims that God Himself casts this delusion down upon the earth because they rejected HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, who DID IN FACT come to REDEEM the peoples of the earth under the ancient LAWS OF KINSMAN-REDEEMER.

Now PROJECT BLUEBEAM, which is a master project by the occultists to usher in a FALSE MESSIAH may well be real. If NASA could fake both video and still pictures of a moon landing and feed it to the world, then BLUEBEAM would also work! Bluebeam's Messiah is compatible to human evolution, a mixture of both fact and fiction, a Messiah that will give the rich elite their WORLD DOMINATION that they have prayed for and desired for so long. He will unify all world religions and usher in the FALSE MILLENNIUM. They shall have the world, according to the Bible. They wanted the world so bad they murdered in cold blood millions upon millions of people without mercy in their rise to power. Energized by the power of Satan, they set up their WORLD ORDER OF LUCIFER. So God is going to give them THE WORLD and give them LUCIFER. And in giving it to them, HE WILL DESTROY THEM. The Rich Men, the occultists and all who followed them into their false Millennium and a New Golden Age will then be destroyed, their soul and spirits taken to a place of eternal torment. That is what the Bible claims. The UFO is central to sweeping mankind into this LUCIFERIC KINGDOM.

2 Thes. 2:8-12
And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause GOD SHALL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Remember the Bible claims that the ANTIMESSIAH arrives with all sorts of LYING SIGNS AND WONDERS. If they are LYING SIGNS and WONDERS, then they are not real. They only APPEAR REAL. It was Carl Sagan that said that ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY WOULD APPEAR AS MIRACLES to those that did not understand them. He was telling us something. Think about PAPERCLIP, ALTERNATIVE THREE, IRON MOUNTAIN, and totally funded, but secret BLACK OPS for over 50 years. Then think about how knowledge increases and how computers have aided all research. Now mix in Satan's desire to fool the world into thinking he is GOD. How do you get the human race to worship SATAN HIMSELF when the peoples of the world think it is GOD HIMSELF?

If Satan does work through the minds of mankind, and he does rule over the Kingdom of Darkness and deception as the Bible claims he does, then he would have to lay the groundwork for a COMPLETE REVERSAL OF THE TRUTH long before he brings about a synthesis of all false concepts, theories and science. Evolution is the root of the entire deception. From evolution spring all else that is false about man, his destiny, and his place in the universe. Why would mankind trade his creation from the hand of the creator of the universe for evolution? Satan asked it so well: "Yea, hath God said?"

God considers mankind has no excuse whatsoever, for He claims that any human soul upon earth, if they will but SEARCH OUT THE TRUTH, WILL FIND IT. The Scriptures claim that man does not want the real truth, but rather is looking to justify previously built in theological or philosophical biases, and so the search is useless unless one is willing to allow God to show them THE REAL TRUTH, no matter how hard it is to face. Therefore, any concept that is PLEASING TO MAN, and to HIS EGO is embraced, while the REAL TRUTH, which is not pleasant is rejected OUT OF HAND. The fact that the UFO will lead mankind into a new golden utopia is too difficult for man to reject. He loves the concept, and it goes right to the heart of his innermost desires and dreams. It bypasses REDEMPTION, THE CROSS, SIN AND REPENTANCE. The STRAIT GATE and the NARROW WAY of Jesus Christ EXPOSE mankind's inner nature. Therefore Jesus said FEW WOULD WALK IT TO FIND OUT WHO THEY REALLY WERE, and what their TRUE POSITION REALLY WAS BEFORE A HOLY AND JUST GOD.

When one is obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ and forsakes the world to find out the real truth, one enters the STRAIT GATE of Jesus Christ, and a process of REVELATION begins. The revelation is about the TRUE INNER HEART NATURE OF MAN. The Bible claims that planet earth is a PIT WITH NO LOVE IN IT. The history of mankind is filled with violence, oppression and evils beyond all imagination. Even at his best, God claims man is EVIL. The heart is DECEITFUL BEYOND ALL IMAGINATION, AND WICKED TO ITS CORE. Who can hear that message? And who will smile when confronted with it? It is a HARD SAYING, and because it is a HARD SAYING, it is rejected out of hand and being UNTRUE. But what if it is true? What then?

Christ claimed man was created in PERFECT DIVINE LOVE. His inner spirit and soul were filled with ABSOLUTE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. The knowledge of good and evil were literal and true. When the KNOWLEDGE OF EVIL entered the human soul, PERFECT LOVE DIED, and mankind entered a no man's land of ruin and darkness. He knows he is to love, he tries to love, but he cannot love, for his nature will not permit it. He constantly is looking for love; for someone to love him, to accept him as he is. There is only one who truly will: JESUS CHRIST. He will accept ANYONE who comes to him, no matter how evil they have been. The beauty of DIVINE LOVE is that it levels out the playing field of sin. ALL ARE SINNERS, and all must come the same way!!

So man became a paradox, unable to free himself from the chains of bondage. He became a prisoner, held fast by Satan. The more he tries to free himself, the worse he becomes. He attempts via many methods to control the evil impulse that lies just below the surface. Some do a wonderful job. We call them "saints". Others do not, and we call them "criminals". But the evil is still within, held in check or not. And it is here that Christ said we do err greatly in our theologies.

And in this error of theology, lies the heart of deception: EVOLUTION and JUST WHAT IS "LOVE", and HOW DO WE OBTAIN IT? By regeneration via the STRAIT GATE, or via occult "initiation"? You have to decide. The UFO is here to help you decide, and to make a wrong choice. BE WARNED.

Christ said He came to FREE THE PRISONERS. He came to RELEASE THEM FROM THEIR TERRIBLE BONDAGE. He would do so, He said, via a process he called BEING BORN FROM ABOVE, commonly called being "born again". This is a supernatural act, in which God RESURRECTS THE FALLEN SPIRIT OF MAN, and rescues him from eternal ruin and loss. He TRANSFERS THEM over to HIS KINGDOM, via the LOVE OF CHRIST. Christ then becomes the HIGH PRIEST, the INTERCESSOR, the DEFENSE ATTORNEY for that soul. He is RESCUED, REDEEMED, purchased with the SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST AT CALVARY. With no rebirth, there is no rescue. There are only the deceptions of Satan left to embrace and the synthesis of evil at the time of the end, posing as man's salvation. The battle centers around the nature of man, and what constitutes TRUE LOVE. The UFO and the so called "Gods" are central to this deception.

Whereas Christ claimed one could only find and understand TRUE LOVE via the STRAIT GATE and NARROW WAY, because mankind was DEVOID of true love, Satan claims TRUE LOVE is within every single soul, and calls it the CHRIST FORCE, and all we need to do is release it via what is called "initiation", which is the mimic of true regeneration. In other word's a FALSE REBIRTH, and a FALSE LOVE. The UFO messages, the "life after death" messages are all the same: THERE WAS NO FALL, THERE IS ONLY LOVE AND PEACE, and ALL WE NEED TO DO IS "RELEASE IT". We must "evolve" to the next phase of our "evolution" and come to "Christ consciousness". Christ, on the other hand, said you could not release that which you did not possess. How do you release a DIVINE LOVE if you do not have it within yourself? So the TRUE NATURE OF MAN, and THE STATE OF HIS HEART are the root of the controversy between Christ and Satan. Who will you believe?

The actual reality behind life and the universe is not at all what we see and observe, according to Scripture. Reality is in what WE DO NOT SEE. The eternal SPIRIT WORLD stands behind our physical reality. Life here is sort of a MOMENTARY MATERIAL DREAM, in which our SPIRITS are trapped for a brief moment in time/space in the material world. It is in the ETERNAL SPIRIT where all souls will spend eternity. Things are not as they SEEM. The REALITY is far different than what you might expect. The actual reality of our situation is explained by only ONE BOOK. And that book has been rejected as foolish myth. Yet that ONE BOOK gave the human race ZERO OPTIONS. It claimed it was written by the CREATOR GOD of the entire universe. The God who created time, space, energy, matter, spirit and life. To reject it as myth is foolish indeed, especially when it is the only book ever written in which the prophets are 100% accurate.
So what is all of this UFO activity? If one follows the timeline for the establishment of Zionist Israel and the rise of the CFR and the elite rich men of the earth, along with the rise of America Babylon, the answer is right in front of our faces: The Bible says THE UFO IS A TOOL OF SATAN TO FOOL THE HUMAN RACE AND TAKE THEM INTO ETERNAL RUIN. It does not matter if they are "man-made" or from the spirit world or both, for Satan works through the minds of man to arrive at his goal: WORLD RULE BY DECEPTION. He can only do it by being an ANGEL OF LIGHT. He can only accomplish that by taking the world into THE DARKNESS OF UTTER EVIL and then COMING AS AN ANGEL OF LIGHT TO RESCUE MAN. It is the antithesis of TRUE DELIVERANCE.

The Zionist nation of Israel in the Middle East is central to Bible prophecy and the TIME OF THE END. The rise of Yasser Arafat and the PLO was forecast right to the exact day. Trouble lies ahead for the world, and it is going to emerge from this period of intense trouble to embrace the MAN OF SIN, commonly called the ANTICHRIST. The foundation of modern Israel was laid on December 9, 1917, when Allenby took Jerusalem for Great Britain. Soon came the BALFOUR DECLARATION and finally, Israel became a nation in 1948. The UFO flaps always follow major events in Israel's history, as do the "Mary" apparitions. There is a reason for it: ALL OF IT LEADS TO A FALSE ARMAGEDDON, A FALSE MESSIAH, and a FALSE MILLENNIUM.

The TIMELINE FOR ISRAEL IS 80 YEARS, from 1917 to 1997. Then the world enters into a period of intense trouble known as TRIBULATION. There are arguments over how long this period is to last, ranging from 3.5 years to 7 years. Regardless, the time lines all claim entrance into this time of trouble in 1997. We will have to wait and see if this is true. The trouble begins with a major war between Israel and Syria. The Bible implies that Israel makes a pre-preemptive strike against Syria that destroys that ancient city. The WAR IS THEN ON, and the implication is that it spreads and becomes a world war. This war is so devastating that mankind drops his idols and turns to the GOD OF ISRAEL. Only God says because they rejected HIS SALVATION HE IS GOING TO GIVE THEM ANOTHER GOD: ANTICHRIST.

He will be successful, for the vast majority of UFO researchers have arrived at the CONCLUSIONS THE BIBLE SAID THEY WOULD. Nothing happens by accident. Nothing happens that is not planned to happen. The earth, and the entire human race is plunging headlong into its worst nightmare, from which it will not awake. Psalm Two says there is a conspiracy. It is conspiracy of SPIRITUAL POWERS that use mankind as their DUPES. In other words, the conspirators do not even know they are conspirators!! They are DECEIVED THEMSELVES and they deceive others, at least that is what the Bible says. Everyone has to make up their own minds about it. "A soul convinced against their will, is of the same opinion still!!!"

The Bible says that having thrown off the simple and plain truths of CREATION and thereby having to embrace EVOLUTION, the human race set itself up for its ultimate deception and ultimate ruin. It is going down exactly, with 100% accuracy, as the Bible prophets said it would. While the world chases after Nostradamus and other false prophets, they reject the ONLY true prophets the world has ever been sent: THE PROPHETS OF THE BIBLE, proven only by their astounding accuracy/ Their accuracy is 100% right down to the jot and tittle. It is going DOWN exactly as they said. Therefore, God says MANKIND HAS NO EXCUSE, because they can read the Words of Scripture and see the fulfillment. If you have been told and then you see it happen, of what excuse have you?