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Jerome J. Williams Illustrious Potentate

Crescent Shrine Christmas Tree Ball Project

Thanks to all those Nobles and Ladies who contributed to the 2003 Crescent Shrine
"In Honor or In Memory" Christmas Tree.

In Honor Of
Robert W. Donnahoo, Jr., P.P. by Penny
Robert W. Donnahoo, III, by Penny
Our Grandchildren, by Harold & Marie Oswald
Barbara Jacobs, by David
William V. Schaule, P.P., by Bea Korzeniowski

In Memory Of
Kenneth T. Donnahoo, by Penny & Bob
Robert W. Donnahoo, Sr., by Penny & Bob
Stuart R. Headman, by Joan
Mahlon L. Blinn, by Virginia
Charles Wilson, by Howard B. Wilson

Thomas J. Watson, by Jeff Brown
Robert H. McElroy, by Helen
Ann M. Hickman, by Tom & Pat
Barbara by William F itzpatrick
Harold, by Maggie
Melva, by Vic
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Thorn, by Jack S. Thorn
Bro. Albert Parzych, by Vincent & Theresa Parzyck
William V. Schultz, by Dana & Kyle Schultz
Jake Husban & Ruby, by Jim & Peg Marshall
Anthony Vatalaro, by Thomas, Anabel, Milton Beall & Walter, Elizabeth, Walter, Jr., & Pearl Huby
Pee Wee Beumler, by Gail
Pee Wee Beumler, by family & friends